Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Service Project Finalized

Wow, what an experience! I started making a movie in MovieMaker, then found out that since I was using internet pictures, I needed to create a voicethread. I had less than 24 hours to create the voicethread, but I did it. I had the pictures all done, and my part of the recording finished.

I met with my student and her mother yesterday after school. The only thing we had to do was record her voice, then finish her blog. We embedded the voicethread into her blog. As we were packing up, I thanked her mother for allowing her daughter to participate in this project. I also promised to send an email with the links to all three children's blogs, so she can forward on to interested family and friends. I have embedded her voicethread below.

Overall, this has been a positive, although stressful experience. Something I would change is the timeline. It would have been nice to have a little longer to work on the project. It would also have been nice if I weren't working, so I could perhaps work with the child a little bit during school hours, if the teacher permitted.

Now that I know how easy it is to record voice, I will definitely plan to use voicethreads and MovieMaker in my classroom. It's not as scary as it sounds. All it takes is a little practice, then the realization that, "I can do this!"

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Job Teri. I am impressed. especially with how hard it was for you all at first. Way to go.
